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"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." H.P. Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu, 1928 Cthulhu is a fictional god, said to 'slumber beneath the waves' in a mythical sunken city known as 'R'lyeh'. He first appeared in H.P. Lovecraft's 'Call of Cthulhu', written in 1928. Cthulhu was described as a huge, flabby creature. He looked to be part man, part dragon, with wings and a huge cephalopod head, not unlike a cuttlefish or octopus. I've been wanting to do a Cthulhu figure for quite some time, and was astonished that there wasn't already one here (other than the odd MLP or alien Cthulhu homage.) This figure is a commission by a return customer, who's husband is a HUGE H.P. Lovecraft fan. This figure stands at twelve inches tall, and boasts a completely original head sculpt, as well as a completely sanded and re-sculpted body. I've never been a fan of the older Spawn figures, and this Malebolgia was definitely one of those. There were random spikes everywhere, big sloppy globs of glue, a REALLY ugly head with wispy, crappy hair, and fins on the back of the arms. All of it came off, and was sculpted over. I added Annihilus BAF wings, repainted. Head, torso, 'ribcage', shoulders, biceps and the crustacean-like armor (complete with barnacles growing on him as he slumbered and dreamed beneath the waves) are all original sculpt. Tentacles are from a cheap rubber squid toy. The longer appendages are poseable. Eyes, bio-luminescent marks, and 'hidden' symbols all along the wings and body glow in the dark or under black light, and are invisible in direct light. Feedback is always appreciated!! Feel free to drop by my Facebook Customs page for more pics, as well as a few WIP galleries of Cthulhu, and all my figures so far at the link below! ![]() |
Black Widow | ![]() | Submission Order | ![]() | Emerald Empress |
Frankenstein's Monster | ![]() | Horror Series | ![]() | Dark Night of the Scarecrow |
Poison Ivy | ![]() | Created by Heroes Assembled Customs | ![]() | Fin Fang Foom |
On a side note (since there's already a precedent of nit-picking your description
Although, Cthulhu himself is NOT a god. He is a high priest of the "Great Old Ones". While the Elder Gods imprisoned the Great Old Ones, Cthulhu is still free in a way. His duty is to remain dormant in R'lyeh, until the time is right and the stars align correctly so he can unlock and free the Great Old Ones. He is able to reach out telepathically to humans' subconscious, because while he is dormant he CANNOT free himself from R'lyeh when the correct time comes. That's why he needs humans and forms cults with them, because the humans MUST free him when the time comes or nothing will ever be accomplished. That's, also, why Cthulhu was able to be defeated by some fishermen ramming him in the face with their boat. While Cthulhu is an ancient, important being he is NOT on the same level as the Great Old Ones or the Elder Gods.
Sorry to ramble, I've actually been reading Lovecraft since I was a little kid...creepy, I know. But, I'm a huge fan and I love all of his work. Even his essay papers and his discarded drafts/unfinished stories.
Anyways, AMAZING custom. I would love to have something like this for my desk.
If you got the Complete and Unabridged collection, it's good. I really like the unfinished draft for The Shadow Over Innsmouth. If you can find them, there are two books that collect the works Lovecraft wrote his essay "Supernatural Horror in Literature" on. It quotes Lovecraft and and the influences he thought the stories are responsible for. Also, I recommend Derleth's Cthulhu stores. They are kind of controversial, since he added a "good and evil" dichotomy that Lovecraft specifically tried to avoid. But, it's more history and information of the Cthulhu mythos.
The recipient of this work-of-art is one lucky guy!