Masters of the Universe Movie Style "Skeletor" (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:44363
Name:Masters of the Universe Movie Style "Skeletor"
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Masters of the Universe
Date Added:November 15, 2012
Base Figure:WWE Kane
Height:7.00 inches
Completion Time:15.00 hours
Well...One can not merely stop at He-Man...a nemesis MUST come forth! Therefore, I felt it crucial to customize a Masters of the Universe Movie style "Skeletor" as a follow-up to my custom Dolph Lundgren "He-Man".

This one was a bit more difficult to just get started. Unfortunately, there are no Frank Langella based figures out there (at least not that I'm aware of), so I had to go about a lengthy search for a figure comparable in size to my "He-Man" that could also be easily molded over. Eventually, I settled on a WWE "Kane" figure that was a perfect height, and his bald head would make it easy to custom mold the Skeletor head over top.

I started by sanding down much of Kane's facial features (removed the ears, cheeks, and double-chin). By using many, many stills from the movie, I then started a basic facial structure using epoxy. This was quite a tedious process, building a "skeletal" structure over a fleshed face. In the end, I got the basic shape I wanted and then dremelled in more detail. The whole head was painted white and the eyes and mouth were painted black to finish it off.

Once the head was finished, the rest of the details weren't too bad (except for the staff, which I'll get to in a minute :cp ) The cloak was made up of 3 basic parts. The cape is a simple shape with "wings" that can clip to his wrists by way of hook and ring (much the way I did He-Man's cape). The hood was the 2nd piece, cut as a half-circle and a wire was glued into the opening to get the proper shape for the best visibility of his face. The 3rd piece (and I'm not too sure what to call it) is basically a "wrap" that goes around his shoulders and clips together at his lower back. These were all cut from a light weight fabric that hangs pretty nicely.

The armor I did, once again much like I made them for He-Man. It's basically molded epoxy with some detail dremelled in and painted with a black base and a silver and gold wash over top. I forgot to mention that the base body was painted completely black and was "dusted" with a silver spray paint to give it that silver velvet look of the body suit Langella wore in the movie. The long lapel pieces were simply made by cutting 2 long strips of leather and glueing some silver bits to it that I found at the craft store. They have a slight gold wash over them as well because they were initially a bit to shiny.

Now...the staff. This was interesting. The staff itself is just a wooden skewer that was cut to proper height. The "rams-head" top I had to sculpt completely from epoxy. I couldn't get every detail correct (even though I had some amazing reference photos to go by), but I was pretty happy with the end result. Again, I used my dremel to put in some of the finer details. The whole staff was painted black and I once again "dusted" it with silver spray paint. This gave it a look I didn't expect (I sprayed it a bit thicker than the Skeletor body), but I found totally cool! It almost looks to be made of stone. One of those happy accidents. ;c)

Well, there it is! The yang to my custom He-Man's yin. I had a lot of fun doing these customs from such a cheesy and ridiculous and wonderful 80's film! I was always a fan of "Masters of the Universe" and to this day, my earliest childhood memory of my first movie-going experience was the day my mother took me to see this film. It will always be one of my favorites...despite how bad it was. :cP

Thanks for letting me ramble on a bit. Hope ya all likes!

User Comments
Xysma Warhorse -
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wow! You really nailed his likeness, excellent sculpt work, great job.
Mighty Tom -
Friday, November 16, 2012
that is the best movie skeletor I've seen and again you've managed to capture a lot of the detail.
JonMichael -
Friday, November 16, 2012
I love that face! Looks so much like the real face. It's awesome, and mean. The cloak and armour is great, too. As a kid, I loved the He-Man movie. Now...not so much. But, I really hope they do make a new movie.
ProtocolTenCustoms -
Friday, November 16, 2012
truly BADASS!love it
wotan03 -
Thursday, November 15, 2012
wow it like the actors
NeCrollector -
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A true masterpiece, brother! I too love that movie! You created one INCREDIBLE custom of Skeletor!!!
He's on my to-do list...when I do get around to him, you better believe I'll look to yours for inspiration.
ruredi2roc -
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thanks for the , man! I can't wait to see what you do with your customs!
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