Classics Shockwave (Transformers) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:44411
Name:Classics Shockwave
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers
Date Added:November 17, 2012
Base Figure:classics shockwave
Height:7.50 inches
Transformers Classic Shockwave
-Highly Detailed Paintwork
-7.5 Inches Tall

A Collaboration with hater06, took way too long to complete due to hectic work schedule, I'm glad I made it through, now for other comm|ss|ons !!! ^__^

-classic shockwave

User Comments
Thursday, January 3, 2013
can I commison this
please reply soon
speedlee -
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thanks guys for commenting, it has been a while !!! Will continue to work hard !
suprasizeme -
Sunday, November 18, 2012
You guys did an incredible job. I like the led light in his eyes and the paints are super clean.
Iron Will -
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Looks fantastic!
NeCrollector -
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Shockwave's always been one of my favs! Excellent work! Good to see new customs from you!
fitzjedi -
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Very cool and clean paint apps!
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biggrin  smile  sad  surprised  confused  cool  badgrin  mad  razz  redface  cry  evil  rolleyes  wink  eusa_angel  eusa_boohoo  eusa_clap  eusa_dance  eusa_doh  eusa_drool  eusa_eh  eusa_hand  eusa_liar  eusa_naughty  eusa_pray  eusa_shhh  eusa_shifty  eusa_sick  eusa_silenced  eusa_snooty  eusa_think  eusa_wall  eusa_whistle  

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