Fall of Cybertron G2 Optimus Prime (Cartoon Matte Finish) (Transformers) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:45314
Name:Fall of Cybertron G2 Optimus Prime (Cartoon Matte Finish)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers
Creator:Briightcore Toys  
Date Added:December 16, 2012
Base Figure:FOC Prime
Height:5.50 inches
Completion Time:10.00 hours
Articulation:21 points
Thanks to the magic of Mr. Hobby paints and Matte Spray, a relatively simple custom turned out better than expected. I'd intended this just for my shelf, but wanted to share how it turned out.

The matte light reflection effect (similar to FrogDNA's TF cartoon-styled customs) really come across well thanks to "Mr. Hobby UV cut Super Clear Matte spray". It's replaced my use of Citadel matte spray permanently. Really nice stuff! It also makes the figure feel really good in-hand, and there's no paint or sealant rub even after repeated transformations.

The reds/blues are actually just the factory plastic color with panel lining. Silvers/metallics are Mr. Hobby Super Metallic Chrome Silver, and in some areas that mixed with their glossy black for a darker gunmetal effect (legs, hands, biceps). I removed the original faction symbol with Mr. Hobby thinner and Q-Tips.

Prime's head was the extra one (without the screw-assembly) provided with MakeToys Battle Tanker - hence the 'G2' in the title. I didn't have any G2 faction symbols, so I went with the smaller reprolabel G1 metallic ones.
Modified the torso a slight bit to allow clearance for the larger head, and near the torso balljoint for better mobility.

Weapons are from the Infinity War II set (Junkion Blacksmith), and the gun game from a TF Prime FE figure. The small sword in the larger assembly (I believe) was an Energon figure's weapon. I'd love for some identification on that piece though - it'd be fun to source the same sword out in different colors.

Hope you like the pics.

User Comments
Friday, February 1, 2013
can icommish this
Briightcore Toys -
Friday, February 1, 2013
I consider them, yes. Contact me by email blaynescott at gmail dot com
StrangePlanet -
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
That's beautiful. Boy that spray really helps. I thought for sure you repainted the reds. That's a greathead on there too. Really really nice.
somebody1 -
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Much better than what Hasbro gave us.
The Watcher -
Monday, December 17, 2012
Classic!! Very cool!
NeCrollector -
Monday, December 17, 2012
Love it!
G Brand -
Monday, December 17, 2012
Love the pics and the fig. It has that classic Optimus Prime look to it. Well done.
Briightcore Toys -
Monday, December 17, 2012
The bay of e is where you need to check for it. Do a search for 'mr spray uv super clear'. I'll be trying out their Gloss spray soon, as the results with the matte version are amazing (over top of enamels, lacquer, and acrylics).
fitzjedi -
Monday, December 17, 2012
Pretty cool looking Optimus Prime! I use the Plaid MATTE sealer but have been looking to try something else. I might give that UV one a whirl, if I can find it.
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