Kasa-Obake(Kara-Kasa)002 (Mego) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:46470
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Mego
Creator:ようかい ジョン  
Date Added:January 25, 2013
Base Figure:Emce male leg and arms
Height:8.00 inches
Completion Time:4.00 hours
Articulation:6 points
Kasa Obake (傘お化け, "umbrella ghost"), or Karakasa Obake or Karakasa Kozo, are a type of Tsukumogami, a folk legend about a form of Japanese spirit that originate from objects reaching their 100th year of existence, thus becoming animate. Karakasa in particular are Spirits of Parasols (umbrellas) that reach the century milestone. They are typically portrayed with one eye, a long tongue protruding from an open mouth, and a single foot, generally wearing a geta.
I made my 2nd Kasa-Obake from White paper and wooden toothpicks,and also Sculpted on his eye,tongue,eyebrow,lips,teeth and sandal with air-dry Clay and attached with E-6000 a Doctor Mego male leg and arms.I hand-painted the entire figure with acrylics and sealed with ModPodge adhesive sealant.

User Comments
NeCrollector -
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I love this, dude! Excellently done!
pock63 -
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I like it! what kind of air dry clay do you use?
ようかい ジョン -
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Thanks P63 and JK0,pleased to hear you guys like my latest Kasa-Obake.
And to answer P63's question: Just like with the Ami-kiri,I used Crayola(red Terracotta)air-dry clay,I sometimes use Clay-stone air-dry clay with my sculpts as well(but I've found that there's not really any difference between Crayola Terracotta and the Claystone actually.
JK0 -
Friday, January 25, 2013
very cool
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