Donna Noble Partners in Crime (Doctor Who) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:50672
Name:Donna Noble Partners in Crime
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Doctor Who
Date Added:June 12, 2013
Base Figure:Primeval Jenny Lewis
Height:5.00 inches
Completion Time:0.50 hours
Articulation:10 points
Swap Jenny and Donna's heads, paint blouse section red. (option: erase one necklace)(add Adipose!).

User Comments
ruredi2roc -
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The head/body swap works perfect doesn't it?! I did this one a few years back. Check it out under my creator name (ruredi2roc). A few other DW customs there.

Great job on this one! Diggin' it!
CaptainJackHarkness7 -
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thanks much! I'm inspired by your work! I see you changed her hair, too. That is much closer to her style in the episode. I am working on River from Time of Angels, as well. But, my version will be a more "Afghan War" grey based camo.
NeCrollector -
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
I'm not familiar with this character, but I'm loving those little guys!
Nits -
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
I'm loving all these doctor who customs! keep it up
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