Conan the Barbarian (Pre War Paint) (Conan) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:52879
Name:Conan the Barbarian (Pre War Paint)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Conan
Date Added:August 20, 2013
Base Figure:wwe deluxe aggression mr kennedy
Height:7.75 inches
Completion Time:112.00 hours
Articulation:17 points
this one is based off the "war paint conan" from the 1982 film CONAN THE BARBARIAN , however is work in progress as i have not added the war paint to the body as of yet (ran out of time) this week, will complete soon and will post the completed figure, meanwhile just wanted to post the work as it is so far, ( before covering the muscle detail with black paint..... thank you. Conan's father explaining to him the mystery of steel. "Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky, but Crom is your god. Crom, and he lives in the earth. Once giants lived in the earth, Conan, and in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel. Crom was angered, and the earth shook, and fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters. But in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield, and we who found it. We are just men, not gods, not giants, just men. And the secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan, you must learn its discipline, for no one, no one in this world can you trust, not men, not women, not beasts... This you can trust". [points to his sword]...... Conan the Barbarian (Universal Studios, 1982) feature length film based on the character Conan created by Robert E. Howard.

User Comments
Jak -
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Did you add an ankle joint? How did you attach the NECA sculpted fur boot to the WWE figure?
TORO0503 -
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
venom01 You're the King of Conan custom figures. I look at the incredible work you did to these Conan figures every time I"m on this web-site. Truly amazing !!
ChrisVanV -
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Excellent figure. I'm looking to add this to my collection. Would you be willing to make another to sell?
venom01 -
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Jat70 -
Monday, May 14, 2018
Did you hand paint or airbrush the figure
venom0_1 -
Monday, May 14, 2018
Hi, I hand painted the figure, I was trying a new technique back then... Thanks for your interest
eagle's customs -
Sunday, August 25, 2013
I got to watch the movie on tv the other night. Lots of missing scenes. One of my all time favorite movies. You did a masterful job at recapturing him in toy form. Bad ass work.
fitzjedi -
Friday, August 23, 2013
CROM!! NICE work on this!!
venom01 -
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Thank you for the great comments. In fact it is the neca conan head with neca parts and a WWE Deluxe Aggression chris benoit body. I'm currently working to get him fully painted finally!*****
StrangePlanet -
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I'm wondering if that's the NECA head or if there's McFarlane parts in there. But whatever. It came out great. The parts all go together great and make a cohesive whole. Really cool, and that body works great for him. The paintowrk on the flesh is especially impressive.
windblock2007 -
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Bro you did amazing job,Love the paints on those WWE base figures.
HulkSmashedMe=( -
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
is this the NECA head? Looks great!
Mighty Tom -
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
I am seriously loving these Conan customs, I can't wait to see what's next
1andonly5711 -
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Nice work
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