Nightwing (Batman) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:53112
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Batman
Date Added:August 28, 2013
Base Figure:MU Human Torch
Height:3.75 inches
Hello Realmers, been a while huh? Haven’t had much customizing time in the past several months, between work and family issues and random crazy occurrences lol, but we’ve had time to get a few customs done, and without further ado, I’d like to present one I completed a few months back, everyone’s favorite grown-up Robin, none other than Nightwing! I made this Nightwing to go with a line I was doing of 3 3/4” Batman characters (which with this one and my other submission of the night makes it almost complete; last one is still on the table needing work). I made this Nightwing from an MU Human Torch figure, with a heavily modified Mr. Fantastic head. Yep lol, I know that sounds weird. I shaved down the cheekbones and nose enough to make it look pretty youngish, and I think it turned out nicely. A good coat of Testors gloss black and blue, and this Grayson was "flying" into my collection (I’m sorry everyone, please excuse the pun, but it’s really late and I just couldn’t resist!) . As always, comments/suggestions are always welcome.

User Comments
marvelman2k -
Friday, December 13, 2013
great nightwing custom I made one using the new mu male body mold but now he is taller and more muscular than my batman custom using the spiderman from the 2 pack with sentry
Bad_Guy_Robot -
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Gah, can't believe I forgot to go back and reply to everyone's comments my bad. Just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate all the kind words thanks guys!
3bcustoms -
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Turned out awesome
NeCrollector -
Friday, August 30, 2013
Very cool!
Dravenheart -
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I love seeing a great Nightwing custom! And you managed to make the head work wonderfully. I really like how it looks. Fantastic job!
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