Fire-Bird (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:54344
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Masters of the Universe
Date Added:October 6, 2013
Base Figure:Stratos
Height:6.00 inches
Hey all, thanks for lookin, hope we're all having a good one.

Comes with a removable helmet that can be adjusted for different looks, traditional Avian Jet Pack, and a high-power mega taser!

Assembled using the following parts:

MOTUC Stratos Body and Jet Pack
MOTUC Zodak Helmetless Head
MOTUC Fighting Foe Men Chest Plate
Modified MOTUC Vykron Helmet
Modified Random Fodder Weapon

Fan Created MOTUC Bio(Not canon so he can be whatever you want him to be!)

Real Name: Fenix

Orphaned in the Siege of Avion, Fenix was rescued by Stratos and placed under the care of his trusted advisers since the Lord of Avion had little time to raise a child due to his duties as a member of the Masters of the Universe. As a growing boy Fenix rebelled against his guardians, feeling abandoned by Stratos who he felt should be a father figure in his life. In turn, he left the people of Avion behind to wander the woods of the Mystic Mountains as a run-away teenager. After falling ill due to exposure and inexperience, Fenix awoke in a small wooden temple deep within the mountains, the home of the Cosmic Enforcer Zodak. Reluctantly, Zodak agreed to train the young man in both body and mind to help him control the intensity within his spirit. Fenix would eventually take his teacher's tribal markings as a symbol of his loyalty, while also matching his unique look with special contact lenses that allow him to fly without the usual goggles used by most Avians. Much later when Zodak failed to return from a mission Fenix trekked back to Avion only to learn that Stratos was killed in the Second Ultimate Battleground and Zodak was wanted for questioning about the release of the Snake Men that led to the war. Shaken by the events Fenix declared himself to be the new protector of Avion, and vowed to uncover the truth about his mentor while avenging the demise of his savior. Earning the nickname Fire-Bird for both his look and ferociousness he became one of Eternia's greatest heroes as a member of the now He-Man-Less Masters of the Universe.

User Comments
bazinc -
Monday, October 7, 2013
Thanks for the welcome folks, glad to get in on the action, cheers!
NeCrollector -
Monday, October 7, 2013
Very COOL! Love it! Welcome to the Realm!
windblock2007 -
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Welcome to the Realm,I'm a big MOTU fan,and my friend love this custom figure.
Hope to see more.
Banner/HULK Inc. -
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Very cool original, I like the bio you did too
Nsp -
Sunday, October 6, 2013
very kewl addition to the motuc
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