I-Gor (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:54636
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Masters of the Universe
Date Added:October 13, 2013
Base Figure:Hurricane Hordak
Height:6.00 inches

MOTUC Hurricane Hordak Body
MOTUC Optikk Alternate Head
MOTUC Jitsu kama
MOTUC Hordak crossbow
MOTUC Spikor Trident
MOTUC Grizzlor Chest Gear
MOTUC Horde Prime Collar
MOTUC Demo-Man Mace

Whew, I think that's it.

Fan Created MOTUC Bio for I-Gor (Not canon so he can be whatever you want him to be!)

Real Name: Unpronounceable

Many years before Skeletor assembled the space mutants of Denebria, members of the Horde arrived on the planet in a typical dominating fashion. However, things became unusual when an entire troop of Horde soilders failed to report back from a scouting trip to the planet's Fog Zone. A second unit of higher ranking officers were unnerved to find bits and pieces of troopers scattering the barely visible ground at their feet within seconds of entering the smothering fog. Hearing something moving quickly in their direction the group dashed back outside of the area and turned to watch a grotesque eyeball-headed monster emerge, draped in the remains of their former allies. As the beast paused to adjust to the light, the leader of the Horde unit plead with it to join them in their conquest of the universe where he could quench his obvious blood lust on a regular basis. If an eyeball can smile, this one did at that moment. Upon arriving at the Horde base he was anointed as I-Gor for his love of brutality and fitted with a gigantic trident extension that both replaced a previously damaged hand and fit his name perfectly. I-Gor would go on to become one of the most feared Horde enforcers of his era, with his services often reserved for use as a personal bodyguard for Horde Prime himself.

User Comments
Nsp -
Monday, October 14, 2013
another great addition to motu
whiskeyagogo -
Monday, October 14, 2013
Really cool concept and great use of parts.
bazinc -
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Forgot to add two things to the recipe: MOTUC Trap Jaw Feet and MOTUC Horde Armband.
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