Dark Mantis (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:54638
Name:Dark Mantis
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Masters of the Universe
Date Added:October 13, 2013
Base Figure:Mosquitor
Height:6.00 inches

MOTUC Mosquitor Body
Modified MOTUC Horde Prime Head
Modified MOTUC Stratos Jet Pack
MOTUC Mosquitor Blaster
MOTUC Weapons Pack Whip
MOTUC Weapons Pack Staff
MOTUC Optikk Shield
MOTUC Battle Armor Skeletor Chest Plate

Fan Created MOTUC Bio for Dark Mantis (Not canon so he can be whatever you want him to be!)

Real Name: Ayser

As a powerful mage Ayser was a trusted adviser to Stratos and highly revered by the bird people of Avion. During the famed siege, the Ilkorts encountered the home of Ayser with the wizard away and his pregnant wife left practically defenseless. As news of the invasion reached the capital, Ayser dashed home only to collapse in torment at the sight of his former love's lifeless body being swarmed by Ilkorts. Paralyzed by this tragedy, the mage could do nothing to prevent the creatures from ripping him apart. And so they did. Miraculously he awoke though most of his body was either damaged, destroyed, or missing. For days he lay in anguish with the single hope of his people coming to his rescue. Surely Stratos and the Masters of the Universe were looking for him, he thought. Yet there was no rescue. Already unhinged by the death of his family, Ayser became bitter at this apparent abandonment. With barely a breath left he chose to postpone the sweet release of death in the name of vengeance. Mustering every last drop of energy left within his tattered remains the wizard drew the technological virus from the land around him and directed it to mend him, forever encasing the former Avian noble. As far as the newly reformed being was concerned, Ayser of Avion was dead, and he took the name Dark Mantis as a morbidly satirical take on his new appearance. For many years the Mantis operated with cold precision to achieve the single goal of genocide and slaughtered every Ilkort that could be found. It was shortly after he disposed of the last of the species that he was found by a wandering Jitsu (following the departure of Skeletor to space). Tempted by the chance for revenge on Avion and the Masters of the Universe, Dark Mantis gladly joined the man that would become the new Emperor, completely unaware that his unborn child survived the siege and was now fighting against him as a member of the MOTU named Firebird (who also believed his father to have died at the hands of the Ilkorts).

User Comments
Nsp -
Monday, October 14, 2013
sweet motu piece
Redmist -
Monday, October 14, 2013
Darththomas -
Monday, October 14, 2013
He's cool, I think he'd fit well with the Horde
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