Triceraton - Heroic Dinosaur Warrior (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Next up in my Masters of the Universe series is Triceraton - Heroic Dinosaur Warrior! I had a clawful with no lower legs, and only one arm, so I took the legs off another fodder figure and the arms from Hordak, combined with a head and tail from a triceratops toy and hair from Skaar, sculpted to match the hair up to the head, and added a little piece of hair on top from a Marvel Zombie figure. I made this one for you NeCrollector, so make room for him!  Please wait... |
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The figures contained in the Custom Showcase are not for sale by Figure Realm, and the creators of the customs are no way affiliated with Figure Realm. The Custom Showcase is purely for entertainment purposes and only provides a means for the creators to show off their work and trade ideas. Figure Realm does not make or sell customs.
I am blown away by this MASTERPIECE! What an awesome concept! I don't think I've ever seen a MOTU concept dino I am so loving this Jurassic jewel!!! So EXQUISITELY crafted, bro!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, XYSMA! I am moved and honored, dude!
I feel like the majority of factory MOTUC characters are just haplessly slapped together with little thought of tying their design elements together and yet, they could look this good and usually don't.
That looks excellent.