Jason Voorhees (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:55521
Name:Jason Voorhees
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Masters of the Universe
Date Added:November 10, 2013
Base Figure:King Hiss
Height:6.00 inches
First off major props to Wardog Zero who put up a MOTUC Jason recently. If I hadn't already started this one (I swear lol) then that would have been an inspiration for sure. I had hoped to get this done by Halloween but obviously that didn't happen. King Hiss body with bones and torn clothes sculpted using fixit. Mask and jacket thing taken from NECA figure and trimmed down to size. Machete from NECA too but didn't need to be smaller (Jason agrees). The mask is removable and the straps are made from black twist ties. I cut down a Demo-Man head since they look so similar and tried to add details that were movie-accurate to the sixth and seventh movies (axe wound, zombie skin, one creepy eye, various gouges and slices). Then came the paint of course. As a bonus the body can be pulled apart and he can be posed in a bunch of positions that I was too lazy to photograph. But imagine just his top half sitting on a stand as if he were crawling out of the ground. Belated boos to ya all.

Fan Created MOTUC Bio for Jason Voorhees (Not canon so he can be whatever you want him to be!)

Real Name: Jason!

The history of MOTU shows that Skeletor was a big fan of conjuring demons and other spirits. Well, this habit did not always work to his advantage to say the least. On one such occasion he unwittingly summoned the spirit of Jason Voorhees into the Eternian realm while the killer was "sleeping" between killing sprees, as they put it in later films. It did not take Skeletor long to reverse the spell and return Jason to his resting spot after the monstrosity arose from the ground and immediately started swinging his machete at everything in the area, including old skull-face.

User Comments
NeCrollector -
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Nsp -
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
sweet jason great job on the head sculpt
joeamato -
Sunday, November 10, 2013
How creepy that we posted about the same Jason at the same time? That is just amazingly freaky!
En-Ryu-Oh!2061 -
Sunday, November 10, 2013
That face is Priceless!! , love your MOTU customs , NICE!!
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