Daryl Dixon Season 4 (Walking Dead) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:59376
Name:Daryl Dixon Season 4
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Walking Dead
Date Added:March 16, 2014
Base Figure:Merle
Height:5.00 inches
Completion Time:50.00 hours
Articulation:31 points
Head: series 1 Daryl plus sculpt
Body: Merle plus sculpt
Elbows: Daryl
Forearms: comic governor
Legs: Merle plus sculpted rip in knee
Feet: Daryl series 1
Crossbow: series 1 Daryl heavily modified and painted
Poncho: made from small ow fabric blanket

User Comments
walkingdead04 -
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
How did you put together the arms.
ColetheCreator -
Friday, April 11, 2014
cut the three then glue them
walkingdead04 -
Monday, March 31, 2014
How did you take apart the arms and how did you put on the head.
ColetheCreator -
Monday, March 31, 2014
I use a blade that cuts plastic really well, its a garden tool that is actually used to cut thorn bushes. It works exactly like a scissor. I gathered Daryl's elbows since the had the best elbow joint mostly for him to be able to hold the crossbow so well and then I cut Daryl's arm above the bicep so it could still rotate and glued it on. Then I got a comic governor for the forearms and hands. the forearms are sleeves so I didn't have to sculpt them and the hands hold the crossbow well so I cut that off too. As for the head I just glued it in.
jadomiddlecustoms -
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Nice one dude, this daryl is kickass! Your modifications really bring out the likeness!
ColetheCreator -
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Thanks man, just ordered the series 5 Daryl today, so I guess I'll have a Daryl with sleeves and one without for variety.
ColetheCreator -
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Thank ya
mogee5 -
Monday, March 17, 2014
Ahhhh yeahhhhh...nice
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