Jean Grey (Age of Apocalypse - Original) (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:6079
Name:Jean Grey (Age of Apocalypse - Original)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:February 6, 2008
Base Figure:XMC Storm
Height:6.00 inches
When I first saw the Psylocke head without hair while making Dani, I knew she was a perfect fit for a Joe Mad style Jean Grey from the AoA. After finally tracking down some red ink, I knew I wanted to have her on wolvies arm. I sanded down Storms boots, legs, shoulder pads and chest and sculpted the collar, hair and bust. I'm still getting used to that area and wheras Lifeguard was a little petite I'm not 100% on Jeans curves due to the size. This is how Joe made em though so I suppose I can always fob it off as artistic styling :) This was a fun piece to doand leaves me only 4 characters short of my intended set!

User Comments
Esbat -
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wolvie... likes 'em big
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