Superman (Superman) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:6237
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Superman
Date Added:February 18, 2008
Base Figure:DCSH
Height:6.00 inches
Hi... here is my Superman Custom. I love the superman from the Hush Line, but it lacks some good articulation. So... the DCSH Hush Superman was born!!


User Comments
yoyi_x -
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Yes, it is a little uneven. But my paining-skin-skills are 0. So... until I find another figure to practice, I'm not touching this Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it.
Chancellor -
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
wow, I'm really digging this custom, although, I think you might need to even out the skin tone all over the body, it looks a little uneven, but other than that he looks sweet =)
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