Harley Quinn Bride Cake Topper (DC Direct) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:65857
Name:Harley Quinn Bride Cake Topper
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Direct
Date Added:September 17, 2014
Base Figure:Wanda Blake Harley Quinn
Height:6.50 inches
Completion Time:7.00 hours
Articulation:1 points
This is the Bride cake topper from my wedding last month. This started off as a Mcfarlane Wanda Blake bride figure. I swapped out the head for a Hush Harley Quinn head and sculpted the neck to allow it to fit properly. I cut the left hands off both figures, swapped them out, and sculpted the bands around her wrists. I got rid of the flower in the middle of her dress and repainted the top of her body in her traditional black and red colors. I printed out the “Just Married” sign and attached it to a metal rod in her pop gun. I added her to the Batman Groom cake topper and I think they compliment each other perfectly. The both have a big grin on their faces. Your comments are always welcome down below. Thanks for looking.

User Comments
lilchicka1017 -
Thursday, January 23, 2020
wow I joined this site just to tell you how in love I am with this and how much I would love to have it for my own wedding. I did a google search for harley Quinn bride figure this popped up and I am just smitten. Not to be THATperson, but I gotta have this lol
Rocknrollababe -
Friday, January 13, 2017
Is this still available
BattyQuinn -
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Just wondering how I can get my hands on this and the batman groom?
faithy -
Monday, January 25, 2016
how can I get something like this my wedding is at the end of the yr and im a big harley quinn fan and my other half loves batman
category5customs -
Monday, January 25, 2016
congrats on your upcoming wedding. I have sent you an IM
Tinkerbella5 -
Saturday, January 16, 2016
I love this and would love one for my wedding cake topper! How do I go about getting one?
category5customs -
Monday, January 25, 2016
Thank you for your interest. I have sent you an IM
Wings -
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Stunning work!!! I love them both
NeCrollector -
Saturday, September 20, 2014
This is GENIUS! Beautifully executed!
redz9273 -
Thursday, September 18, 2014
this is really very cool. love it!
claytonemery -
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Outstanding. What a conversation piece it must have been!
KoolMisfit -
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Write a new Comment
New Comment...
biggrin  smile  sad  surprised  confused  cool  badgrin  mad  razz  redface  cry  evil  rolleyes  wink  eusa_angel  eusa_boohoo  eusa_clap  eusa_dance  eusa_doh  eusa_drool  eusa_eh  eusa_hand  eusa_liar  eusa_naughty  eusa_pray  eusa_shhh  eusa_shifty  eusa_sick  eusa_silenced  eusa_snooty  eusa_think  eusa_wall  eusa_whistle  

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