Christopher Reeve as Superman, V. 4 (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #: | 68358 | Name: | Christopher Reeve as Superman, V. 4 | Custom Type: | Action Figure | Toy Series: | DC Universe | Creator: | ringomendoza  | Date Added: | December 7, 2014 | Base Figure: | DCUC | Height: | 7.00 inches |
I was never really happy with my Chris Reeve supermen. I was only going to do some minor touch ups on my last version, but I ended up acetoning him and removing all the paint. I sanded and smoothed the sculpted parts (belt, top of boots,covered muscle definition on biceps, ribs and legs) and repainted him again. This time I airbrushed a primer first (I didn t know better at the time...can´t believe I used to paint without primering..smh). Then I airbrushed a base blue color and then did a bit of drybrushing. I forgot about washes, shadowing, etc. I wanted to keep it clean this time. As for the head, yeah it´s a shrunken cast from the hot toys fig, by Glassman. While the likeness was good, something was off. The proportions of the face were not right. So I dremeled the head quite a bit and sat it much lower in the neck. That solved the proportions issue. Then I sculpted the eyebrows and this time I painted it with utmost care, trying to be as realistic as possible. Lastly, my wired cloth cape technique is more refined now, so I gave him a new wired cape that can hold poses. He displays great in scale with the new NECA 1989 Batman, and well, I´m very happy with how he came out overall. Hope you guys like him and thanks for watching.   Please wait... |
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