Dr Strange (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Head and belt from ToyBiz Dr Strange, Superior Spider-Man body, cape from Adam Warlock. Sanded the head ball joint so that the ToyBiz Dr Strange head would fit, stuck his head in a cup of boiling water for a minute to ease the process, the rest was an easy paint job with Citadel paints from Games Workshop. Cutting the original belt off was a bit of a pain, chose the easy option of just cutting a straight line at then back, then super glued it back together once around the waist of the finished figure. Would like to have added US Agent gloves, but didn't have any spare. Also, I could've used the original Dr Stange body, but it wouldn't have had as much articulation. Gladiator's cape could also have been used, but that's really hard to come by in the UK!  Please wait... |
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