"If I only had a heart". That's all the Tin Woodsman ever wanted. The Great and Powerful Oz was said to have given him one, but it was a sham. True to his nature, the goods he promised were no better than those miracle in a bottle treatments sold by traveling salesmen back in the day. The cheap-o watch Oz had given the Tin Woodsman in place of a real heart broke before long and now, filled with rage, the Tin Woodsman sets out to make the phony Wizard pay dearly for his tricks. But someone else also has eyes for that ticker beating in the Wizard's chest. We'll have to,wait and see how this drama plays out in the merry old Land of Oz......to be continued.....
Fairly easy custom. Swapped the Iron figures head and right hand with an MS Dr. Doom. Used Apoxie to cover the iron symbol on the chest. Made the funnel hat out of Apoxie and a small craft store ring. Gave him a bit of a nose job with the Apoxie so he sort of resembled the movie Tin Woodsman. Painted him with a number of light coats of Tamiya Titanium Silver. The saw attachment was made from the Iron hand attachment with the pipe wrench removed and added the saw from an MS Storm danger room stand. The heart was made from Apoxie with a few pieces from the fodder bin glued to it to make them look like heart valves, then painted the heart with red and white Tamiya paints.
Thank you Mr Hall. Have to give a lot of credit to my buddies BANNER/HULK Inc and VicVeinz. Those two really put on some of the best presentations and I learned quitea bit from their posts.
Congratulations on your perfect Tin Woodsman! It's great how your customs really brought us all into that world. And the Oscar for best in cinematography goes to......... PANCHOPANTERA for the Twisted Tales from the Land of OZ! (now you have to do an acceptance speech my friend Frank)
well if you insist.. I'd like to thank everyone who voted and those who posted their entries for this contest. You are all a great bunch and I'm glad to be part of this awesome customizing family.
Thank you again Lady Buff. I really dug your Thor/Dorothy trans character. But what really put you over the top, for me, was the use of the Harley. Live to ride, ride to live!
Voting ends for the Yellow Brick Road Custom Contest (customizer revealed). - Monday, February 23, 2015
Yeah, my lighting techniques do need a bit of tweaking, but I was pretty jazzed on how this turned out. I thank you for taking the time to view and your praise.
The figures contained in the Custom Showcase are not for sale by Figure Realm, and the creators of the customs are no way affiliated with Figure Realm. The Custom Showcase is purely for entertainment purposes and only provides a means for the creators to show off their work and trade ideas. Figure Realm does not make or sell customs.
But still, looks like a great job!