Sunspot (X-Men) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:7302
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:X-Men
Date Added:April 28, 2008
Base Figure:Unknown
Height:6.00 inches
Sunspot has been a favorite of mine for a while now. A little tired seeing the "happy go lucky" (red/blue/yellow suit)sunspot, so thought I would take a crack @ a dark and more animated Sunspot. I sculpted the face and hair by hand. I have also sculpted light mods from the original body. Latex and acrylics were the mediums of choice for the piece. I used jet black and bright yellow paints. I also used air brush and dry brushing for the weathered and soot ridden look. I hope you all like.

User Comments
Bob-A-Ferret -
Monday, August 29, 2011
I like this the hair is a bit big for me personally but it is very reminiscent of the ReignFire look like an in between the two characters look which I like a lot at the same time.
Death-X -
Thursday, May 1, 2008
looks really intense.
Very well done !
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thanks for the support chief. I added pics of the base and arm as well.
Again, thanks for the support!!!!
Death-X -
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Very cool ....
-makes me want to build my own sunspot ...
(nice addition to my NXM row)
very well done,
keep up the good work
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BlackjackSubmission OrderThor -Lord Of Asgard
Magneto-End of TimesX-Men SeriesMovie Colossus
NoneCreated by MAINELINE MEDIAX-Men / New Mutants Sunspot
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