Sinestro Corps Magnus Vastator (The Great Destroyer) (Green Lantern) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:77022
Name:Sinestro Corps Magnus Vastator (The Great Destroyer)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Green Lantern
Date Added:October 3, 2015
Base Figure:Mattel CnC Arkillo upper torsoupper arms/Mattel Lower Doomsday body
Height:9.00 inches
The Sinestro Corps member known as Magnus Vastator (The Great Destroyer)Is Thaal Sinestro final solution to his Green Lantern Corps problem.Clone from the DNA of an unknown kryptonian, Thaal Sinestro finally his weapon of mass destruction he has always wanted.Although the Green Lantern Corps has not been seen the Sinestro Corps has ran across one or two of the corps members now and then, Thaal Sinestro unleashed Magnus Vastator upon'em. And the aftermath has always pleased Thaal Sinestro, it put a smile on his face. Thaal Sinestro know that he had to find the perfect name for his new weapon of mass destruction.He came up with the name Magnus Vastator. Which means The Great Destroyer.

I had this figure made months ago put I had wanted to give him a name that a Hero/villain has not used yet. I had the name Apollyon (The destroyer). And I was already to upload everything then something told me to check and make sure no other comic book character had that name. so I checked and low and behold Marvel comics did. Since I don't read Marvel comics after the 1st X-Men movie was release I didn't know. So with work and trying to find a name that no comic book character had it took awhile. Even the turtles had a villain who name I was gonna use. But I finally found a name that means what I wanted to name him.

Recipe: Well upper torso is Mattel CnC Arkillo and Mattel Doomsday. I had to put Doomsday in a pot of boiling water to loosen it up. (I did it for 3 mins. (It doesn't take that long it's just a rubber band holding it together). after I seen that Mattel didn't use the same body mold so I know that I will have to cast Arkillo lower torso peg.Then I had to sand down Doomsday top lower torso to get it flat and smooth. I'm Glad that Doomsday come with a belt because I was able to sand and shape my cast peg bottom to fit perfect center into the belt. Then I use two part epoxy glue to glue the belt to the peg base and let it dry. Then I glued the belt and peg base to the top of the lower torso. Because once I put it together I didn't want it to break apart if it ever fall. Then I put the upper torso and the lower torso together and it fit. Didn't snap together but fit that's all I wanted. So to hold them together I use Gorilla glue.Didn't want to use the epoxy glue of fear that once it dried the upper torso may not turn.But as the Gorilla was drying I kept rotating the upper torso from left to right. So far everything is going my way. Then I had to change out Arkillo lower arms with Doomsday. Well low and behold the arms are different also. So I had to drill the holes deeper on Doomsday arms so that Arkillo arm pegs could fit. So with everything together I painted it.

User Comments
python6 -
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thank you. Yes in my mind I thought that it was gonna be easy. But I had fun making it.
category5customs -
Sunday, October 4, 2015
I like this. What should have been an easy custom turned into a pain. But good job. It looks good.
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