Arez' Motuc Marshal Bravestarr (Bravestarr) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:79545
Name:Arez' Motuc Marshal Bravestarr
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Bravestarr
Date Added:January 20, 2016
Base Figure:Several MOTUC figures!
Height:6.50 inches
*Marshall Bravestarr was inspired mostly by the 1986 Mattel 8" figure.
~It was fun and somehow a pain to do, specially because the buck's upper torso was hard for the paint to stick. Also, I decided to fix the cast so it doesn't look like NA He-Man. I dremmeled it and sculpted hair (first time doing it) and I think it turned out decent. For the star on his vest, I used a print out from a photo and put it on a sterene sheet, then glue sterene thin strips around it and finally glued a round rivet from a MOTU belt. I was outbid a couple of times on eBay for a set of 1986 Mattel Marshal Bravestarr's weapons and hat. So I went on a different way and got Starlord's guns and I had to dremmel them so the figure could hold them. The hat came from NECA's "V", but I superglue the sides so it resembles a cowboy hat. This figures was made out of at least seven figures.

~This figure was part of The Secret Santa 2015 at The Fwoosh!!!

User Comments
ACCustomFigures -
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Looking back over your work, I miss your stuff. You haven't posted in a while. This guy makes me want to go back and watch the cartoon!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Thanks for the complements guys, I really appreciate it!!!
CAb00se -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
This is awesome!
bjpalm1994 -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Yay AREZ is back!! Awesome BraveStarr! One of my favorite cartoons and figures back in the day. He's always on my list to do but always get stumped on a base choice since there isn't many western figs out there. Great Job! Eyes of a Hawk!
Herbert -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Very clean and awesome figure!!!!
Redmist -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Speed of a Puma! Hands down the best Bravestarr I've seen
ineedanoreo -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
ZoltanMotherwell -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Beautiful! Very clean and clever use of parts! Best BraveStarr I've seen!
Darththomas -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
*coughs* allow me!?....... that's bad azz!!
Rayne74 -
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Man! That brings back memories! Looks amazing!
VicVeinz -
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Beautifully done!!
Banner/HULK Inc. -
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Strength of a Bear....awesome, and looks so cool as a MOTU. I wish Filmation had made a crossover show of He-Man and Bravestarr. This guy could fit in a MOTUC display along side Rio Blast.
KoolMisfit -
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Wow...SPOT ON!
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