Pikkon (Dragonball Z) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:80580
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Dragonball Z
Date Added:February 23, 2016
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:120.00 hours
Articulation:38 points
Pikkon (パイクーハン) is a fighter of the Other World who first appears in the Other World Tournament. He does not appear in the original Dragon Ball manga. He is introduced in the filler episodes of Dragon Ball Z, and later appears in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn.

Like many characters in the series, Pikkon's name is a based on a type of food, which is pecans in this case. The original pronunciation of his Japanese name, Paikuhan, literally means "Pork-Rib Rice." His name is pronounced differently in the two English dubs of the anime. In the Ocean Dub, the "I" in his name is pronounced like "EE" while in the FUNimation dub, the "I" is pronounced like "eye."

Pikkon is a very wise fighter. He uses this to his advantage by planning out attacks. Pikkon even goes as far to correct Goku on his "sloppy" dodging and inability to concentrate, offering advice even in battle. When he first appears, he hardly speaks a word, but later opens up during his bout against Goku. Pikkon has heroic characteristics similar to Goku's, and fights for the good. Goku compares his personality to that of Piccolo, and even states that Pikkon and Piccolo would "get along great". In Fusion Reborn, he is seen becoming jealous when Goku gets to battle Janemba and he does not. He is also seen just as impatient when he asks Janemba where he came from, and he is shown to get quite angry when things do not go his way (an example being him yelling while trying to get the barrier encased around King Yemma's mansion to break).


User Comments
zomathew -
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Dope work. I loved this guy
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