US Agent (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:82152
Name:US Agent
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:April 22, 2016
Base Figure:Venom
Height:6.50 inches
Yes another US Agent custom! My motivation for this like everyone else is that he needs to be larger than the puny Epic Heroes wave one on the Bucky Cap body! He's supposed to be 6'4 270lbs! So he should in theory be on a shorter body than the Hyperion buck (which I consider for characters of 6'6 - 6'10), it has the mass which makes him more muscular than 6'2 240lbs Captain America.

So when the recent Absorbing Man Venom came out, I knew I'd do 2 characters - classic Crossbones (upcoming) and US Agent.

Simple recipe, just took the head from the Onslaught wave Cap (which was too big for him anyway), and the boots from Hyperion. I sculpted the gloves, and figured out how to effectively sculpt wrinkles and folds, which I'm very pleased with because now that means I can sculpt clothing effectively. And you guys will know I'm still finding my feet in sculpting, so I'm glad to be getting better at it. I embedded a small neodymium magnet in the right cuff, and on the shield, so I don't have to clip on anything and scrape paint off :/
Oh and sculpted his belt too.

Everything but the eyes is handpainted :)

The shield I wanted to look more like the source art, so I dremmelled off the star and sculpt a nice smooth middle part.

You can see how much bigger he is than Cap!

Thanks for looking!

User Comments
Alex_conner710 -
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Hello are you still making/selling custom figs this is the best us agent I've ever seen
parademon2 -
Monday, December 3, 2018
Great in scale US Agent! Imo, the Hyperion buck is for characters in the 6'4-6'6 range. The new Omega Red buck is perfect for 6'10- 7 footers such as Warpath. Not too many marvel characters 6'8 or bigger. The classic 90s Cable buck is perfect for bigger guys as well.
Ric -
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
NICE!How much for this figure?
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Thanks! This one is not available but I can make another one for sure. Message me if you're interested.
Comicustoms -
Friday, April 22, 2016
Don't you just love those new black Hyperion bodies? Same idea crossed my mind, great execution! I always had a respect for John Walker.
ineedanoreo -
Friday, April 22, 2016
love it
newcollector -
Friday, April 22, 2016
Those red and white lines are incredibly crisp. Really impressive. And the folds in the gloves look great.
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