Flame-Ash (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:83598
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Masters of the Universe
Date Added:June 27, 2016
Base Figure:Calix
Height:6.50 inches
Once called Captain AshCore among the FlameWalkers, he was in charge of keeping the Molten Flame safe and alive.

When the Despondos portal opened and the great Eternian war started, the Molten Lands where wiped by Demo-man while searching for the Molten Flame to power his machines. AshCore ran with the Igneous Staff to protect the Molten Flame. As Demo-man found that the Flame was missing he destroyed all the FlameWalkers.

Now, being the last of his race AshCore hid in the deepest parts of what was left of the Molten Lands. With no patience nor pity for outsiders, he consumed any living creature that dares to enter the Molten Lands. He named himself Flame-Ash to honor the fallen FlameWalkers.

User Comments
LĂșcifer Custolecionador -
Monday, June 27, 2016
Very nice.
VicVeinz -
Monday, June 27, 2016
Cool concept
yoyi_x -
Monday, June 27, 2016
Thanks Redmist! Its an original character.
Redmist -
Monday, June 27, 2016
Is this an oc (original character)? Either way it looks badass!
ACCustomFigures -
Monday, June 27, 2016
Looks like it's based directly off of Jin Saotome's Maag-Marr.
yoyi_x -
Monday, June 27, 2016
No, it wasn't, but dang!! It looks great!
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