Super Hero Masher RoboCop (Robocop) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:83660
Name:Super Hero Masher RoboCop
Contest:Masked Madness
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Robocop
Creator:MercMouth Customs  
Date Added:June 29, 2016
Base Figure:Super Hero Masher Whiplash
Height:6.25 inches
Articulation:9 points
Base/Lower Legs: SHM Whiplash.

Arms/Hands/Upper legs: SHM Doctor Doom.

Head: SHM Iron Fist, sculpt.

Guns: Rifle-The Corps Elite figure, Handgun-Wolverine gun, cast and modified. Both guns modified to fit in figure slots.

Detailed line edging: Micron Pen, protected with Modge Podge.

Presenting the latest in SHM crime fighting technology, it's ROBOCOP!!!

Knew the Whiplash body would make an excellent base for Murphy, and it did not disappoint. Both the head and torso feature heavy sculpting to bring out those Robo-Pecs and signature police stare.

I've been making extensive use of the Iron Fist head, its served as an excellent base for masked and helmeted figures.

Of particular challenge was the shoulder sockets, the Doctor Doom sockets were too small to fit in the Whiplash slots, so I ended up combining the sockets ends from Whiplash with the D.D. ones. Turned out great, I may do a tutorial on the procedure later.

Tried a new paint color this time, Model Master acryl Steel. Gives a more natural, worn metal look than straight silver.

RoboCop towers over other mashers, and really shows off the hidden potential these figures have.

Keep an eye out for him, after the contest ends, he's going up on ebay.

Dead or Alive, you're coming with me....
Check out these Guns....
Modular weapons systems.
User Comments
KirkyMonster1983 -
Saturday, February 3, 2018
How did I miss this, it looks so awesome!!!
MercMouth Customs -
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Thanks Kirky! Don't feel bad, it's easy to miss the gems in the mountains of submissions.
Gearman -
Sunday, August 7, 2016
This is super cool !!!! Excellent work on this
Optimus Primer -
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Really love these Mashers Jaida. If I saw any one of these in a store, I would totally buy it. Nice work!!!
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Hard to find any higher praise than that, thanks!
I've been tempted to rebox these and put them back on the shelf to see how quick they'd sell.
Voting ends for the Masked Madness Custom Contest (customizer revealed). - Friday, July 8, 2016
ENulmerfigs -
Thursday, July 7, 2016
One of your best ones yet, love seeing them mashed up!!!
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Thanks, Numer. I realized I haven't been embracing the true mashup spirit of these figures.
Rudo13 -
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Great build! But next time make your 1st picture your best one and not a WIP. It generates more buzz and votes for your post!
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Thanks for the advice Rudotrese.
The funny thing is, I chose the mashup pic to try and make my piece stand out and get attention.
Live and learn.
Rudo13 -
Friday, July 15, 2016
Your final product is flawless! I actually love it! I've seen your stuff and greatly respect your talent! Some realmers like myself can b lazy or too busy...and if the 1st pic doesn't grab my attention I tend to miss or skip the big reveal! I'm glad I didn't on this one!
Murgyatno -
Monday, July 4, 2016
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Thanks Murg! I love it when people love my work.
VicVeinz -
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Perfect combo of parts in making this unique style Robocop
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
As always, thank you for your kind comments Vic. I'll have to check out some of your latest stuff.
Ivory Towers -
Friday, July 1, 2016
at first I was like meh but then saw finished product and was like daaaaayum so now I totally love it.
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Ah, my plan to hook you in worked perfectly, Muhahahah!
Floydscruffy -
Friday, July 1, 2016
MercMouth Customs -
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Why thank you.
Voting begins for the Masked Madness Custom Contest (pictures revealed). - Friday, July 1, 2016
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