Incredible Hulk (Incredible Hulk) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:84061
Name:Incredible Hulk
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Incredible Hulk
Creator:MayaLu Customz  
Date Added:July 15, 2016
Base Figure:Hulk
Height:6.50 inches
Completion Time:5.00 hours
Articulation:16 points
This started out as a Hulk figure my nephew had sitting around that for some reason was a greenish yellow. It was a simple paint job that sat around forever on my shelf. He was a nice shade of green and very bright purple for about 3 years. He looked nice but was a little flat so I finally decided to give him my first shot at a black wash and I think he came out ok. Please give me any ideas on improving this if you don't mind. Hope to be posting a lot more often.

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