NECA Fugitoid (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:88315
Name:NECA Fugitoid
Contest:Turtles Forever
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Date Added:February 13, 2017
Base Figure:'03 Fugitoid, '91 MSH Doctor Octopus, DCUC Batman
Height:5.00 inches
To me, NECA's line of action figures based on Eastman & Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics has always been distinguished by three defining principles:

1) Sculpt based on the first appearance in the original TMNT comics
2) Paint inspired by comicbook ink artwork
3) High level of articulation

However, I've often found that most customs tend to forgo at least one of these in favor of the other two. Either the design is based on a later appearance, or they simply use an unaltered figure with a comicbook paint job, or the articulation is lacking, or someone just didn't have time for the ink style line work. In any case, I wanted my TMNT figures to reproduce the NECA style without sacrificing any of the traits that made the originals so incredible.

In the case of Fugitoid, there is already a figure available that almost perfectly represents the original comic design of the character, namely the '03 TMNT cartoon figure. A number of people have used this figure to make their own NECA custom. However, unmodified, the figure is still slightly inaccurate, and has very limited articulation. I decided to solve both problems using a '91 Marvel Super Heroes Doctor Octopus figure. Of note, the figure has wired, flexible plastic tentacles that are the EXACT same width as those on the Fugitoid figure. By replacing his limbs with Doc Ock's, I changed a figure with low poseability into a figure with nearly unlimited poseability. After all, now he can bend in ANY direction! I also modified his shoulder ball joints to give him greater range of motion, and added a tentacle piece to his head to give him a comic-accurate neck. As a finishing touch to the design, I removed his static, immobile feet and replaced them with hinged feet from a DC Universe Classics Batman.

And then I did the WHOLE THING all over again!

See, Fugitoid was such an easy custom (and cheap to boot!) that I decided to try something extra. The original NECA TMNT figures were released in two versions: the common color versions, and the exclusive black and white "comic page art" versions. I decided to do the same thing with Fugitoid. One figure is painted as the character is intended to look - silver with yellow eyes and the customary black comicbook lines - and one is painted as the character appears on the comic page - black and gray and white, with large "chrome reflection" black and white waves all over his body. A paint challenge, and a LOAD of fun to work on!

Fugitoid's points of articulation are:

Rotate neck
Ball shoulders
Bendy arms
Rotate hips
Bendy legs
Hinge ankles

Turtle Power!

User Comments
Leatherhead13 -
Monday, May 25, 2020
Very cool!!
Batman1016 -
Monday, May 25, 2020
Many thanks!
TechnoCosmicResearch -
Friday, August 3, 2018
Very cool, I sent you an IM.
TechnoCosmicResearch -
Friday, August 3, 2018
Seems to be a reasonable price. As far as the custom clamshell, would the packaging (artwork) reflect the original mirage turtle style with scans of Fugitoid?
Batman1016 -
Friday, August 3, 2018
Of course.
TechnoCosmicResearch -
Friday, August 3, 2018
I would definitely be interested, with respect to the “chrome reflection” style. I would just need an idea of what you feel a fair price would be for the work. Silly question but do you also make a custom clamshell reminiscent of the Mirage style figures?
Batman1016 -
Friday, August 3, 2018
I do not have access to a plastic vacu-form unit, no. I could, in theory, repurpose an existing clamshell, but certain concessions would be necessary (strategic cuts to open the original clamshell for figure removal and replacement). I could EASILY repurpose one of the tube packages, as they were collector friendly.

As for the figure itself . . . you were referring to the black and white comic art version, yes?

Parts, we're looking at about $40. Time . . . you want the more complex, time-consuming paint job, so looking at about three hours to build and paint. Simple silver paint job would only be one hour. I typically charge $20 per hour. So . . . looking at $100 for comic art Fugitoid, $60 for metallic.

To repurpose a proper clamshell would add another $45. For tube packaging, you're looking at $20.

That Fugitoid base figure, alone, is about $30. Used to be a lot cheaper and easier to find. *frowns*
TechnoCosmicResearch -
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Amazing work, do you sell these customs by chance?
Batman1016 -
Friday, August 3, 2018
I do not, as a general rule, sell most of my customs, as they are typically built specifically for filling what I see as holes/major wants in my private collection.

However, as with any of my customs, I would be happy to make a new piece for anyone who might be interested. Fugitoid in particular is a very simple build, and I'd be happy to repeat the process for the right price. Just let me know if you're interested!
Tankster -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
I know how to design my next Fugitoid Thank you for an awesome Custom
Batman1016 -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Happy to inspire! I look forward to seeing yours! Highly recommend making your own, it's an easy and fun piece!
Voting ends for the Turtles Forever Custom Contest (customizer revealed). - Thursday, February 23, 2017
panchopantera -
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
These look cool
Batman1016 -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Thank you!
NeCrollector -
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Batman1016 -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Thanks so much!
VicVeinz -
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Sweet piece and great effort in capturing the comic style
Batman1016 -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Thank you! The paint was a LOT of fun!
zipperhead -
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Yet another perfect execution. Cheers! Hopefully ill copy/paste this recipe some day. Love it.
Here's your 5 stars sr
Batman1016 -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Thank you again! Highly recommend doing your own, it's a simple and fun project!
Voting begins for the Turtles Forever Custom Contest (pictures revealed). - Thursday, February 16, 2017
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