"LOGAN" movie series Minimates (X-Men - Movies) Custom Miniature / Figurine
Custom #:88932
Name:"LOGAN" movie series Minimates
Custom Type:Miniature / Figurine
Toy Series:X-Men - Movies
Date Added:March 16, 2017
Base Figure:Multiple minimate parts
Height:2.00 inches
Completion Time:6.00 hours
Articulation:14 points
I have to say I was a bit disappointed that Fox had not released minimates for its 2 R rated films, Deadpool and most recently Logan. After looking at my other Wolverine minimates and rummaging through my bin of spare minimate parts, I decided to create a wave of my own.

There are a number of great characters to choose from in this film. Of course I had to start with old man Logan. I used a head from a "Wolverine" movie Yukon Logan minimate. I added hair from a Tony Stark and added a dry brush paint of light brown and grey to the hair and beard. I added a few details to the face such as his scars an dark circles under his eyes. Added a minimate suit with claw hands (blood included) and Old man Logan is ready for action!

Laura (X-23) and Xavier were fun to figure out. I used a minimate kid body (TWD Carl Grimes), added a jacket and painted them denim blue for Laura. I found a random head that I thought worked well and added hair from "the Governor" (TWD). Her claws were made from the pick ends of some disposable floss picks that were painted silver and super glued to the hands. I then detail painted the rainbow on her shirt.

Xavier was made from a bunch of random parts. I had the wheelchair accessory for the longest time, so it was nice to finally use it. His head (Bruce from TWD) has been painted to look older with white hair and stubble. I also painted dark circles under his eyes and extra wrinkles.

The other characters include Pierce, Berserker Logan, and X-24. If you would like more details on how the characters described were made or the recipe for the other 3 characters, please ask! ☺ Thanks for looking!

Logan series Minimates
Characters from left to right: Berserker Logan, X-23 (Laura), Old Man Logan, Xavier, Pierce, X-24.
User Comments
bombasticdashbag -
Friday, May 19, 2017
IDK if you do commissions jobs but im not kidding I love that movie and would love to have some figures to go along with it.
bombasticdashbag -
Friday, May 19, 2017
Wow these are amazing! I would quite literally pay you for a set of these guys...
ruredi2roc -
Friday, March 17, 2017
Thanks for the comment. ☺ I don't know why, I was instantly obsessed with minimates from the release of their Ghostbusters series. Since then I have collected hundreds. They might come off as simple customs, but that's what I like most is their customizability. At least, as you said, they are recognisable.
Carnivac -
Friday, March 17, 2017
Am not into mini-mates but these are very well done and instantly recognisable.
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