Mumm Mutt (Thundercats) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:89359
Name:Mumm Mutt
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Thundercats
Creator:MayaLu Customz  
Date Added:April 9, 2017
Height:3.00 inches
Completion Time:1.00 hours
I had been looking for this little gargoyle thing that came with an old WCW Rick Steiner figure. I was originally planning to use the wings. I had it stored for years and forgot where it was finally I found it and it had become faded and the colors were kind of mismatching, but I thought it gave it a good look so all I did was add a bit of paint to his fangs claws muzzle and belly.

User Comments
Carnivac -
Monday, April 10, 2017
Very cool.
MayaLu Customz -
Monday, April 10, 2017
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