NECA Davy Jones (Pirates of the Carribean) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:90353
Name:NECA Davy Jones
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Pirates of the Carribean
Date Added:June 1, 2017
Base Figure:NECA Davy Jones
Height:7.00 inches
I hunted down NECA's old Davy Jones action figure and was surprised with his inaccuracies. The figure is of high quality (one of NECA's best movies series is of Pirates of the Caribbean) but the face sculpt was super off. They sculpted Davy a "nose" of sorts and gave him these giant eyes. Topped off with a strange dry, brown flesh tone. I decided to shave down his nose, resculpt a bit, and then repaint all of his flesh. I then added from puzzle glue over his flesh to make him look wet and gooey. Now he resembles his movie-self a bit more! Thanks for viewing!

User Comments
oviniboy -
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
this is probably the best davy jones custom I've seen, I'm looking foward to do something like this on mine, there's a way I can see it from the sides and closer? what did you sculpt? just on the nose/mouth area or did you sculpt the chin? thanks
Staley -
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Done perfectly !
Mattttt -
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Nice upgrade !
Floydscruffy -
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Definetly better now, great job.
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