DareDevil (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:9247
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:August 13, 2008
Base Figure:Black Manta
Height:6.50 inches
Here is my DareDevil Custom. He is made of a Black Manta figure. First time using airbrush, WOOJOO!! I'm very proud of how it turns out. I paint it with metallic silver, then I used the red one. The weapons are made of Manta's staff. I don't know if you can see it in the photos but I used Epoxy to make the Zipper, belt, boots and gloves. As always, all comments and suggestions are well received. Enjoy!

User Comments
The Reaper88 -
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I love daredevil and this is a amazing custom but the pics are a bit blury
Unknown User -
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wow! That is a real nice job, I'm loveing the shade of red you used and his canes. 10/10
ironlantern2814 -
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Love your take on DD! I think he is one of the most underated characters outside of his book and is under utilized in the Marvel Universe as a whole. It's nice to see that someone else can show Daredevil is a blind pimp and, you did a great job showing how he keeps his inja pimp-hand strong. LOOK AT HIS PIMP CANES! Excellent job
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