Ori the Dwarf (Hobbit) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:92840
Name:Ori the Dwarf
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Hobbit
Date Added:November 3, 2017
Height:5.00 inches
So the second to last Dwarf I'm posting of the company is Ori. What I'm finding each time I make another Dwarf is not only their cultural backgrounds and design but how each Dwarf works like a proper party member in an RPG which of course is logical it's just when you think about the Fellowship they are more sort of just classes of combatents whereas with the Dwarves they all have roles like: cook, scribe, navigator or healer. Ori is the third brother in the family of Dori Nori and Ori, the youngest of the company also I believe it is stated. Naive but willing to embark on a grand adventure he might at times seem silly and dim but his loyalty shows throughout especially to his brothers. Next time you watch the Trilogy pay attention to one Dwarf for the film and focus on where they are and what they are doing and you will see what I mean.

I made this one out of a coronation Gimli of course (what did he ever do to us? Haha) as it's practically perfect in this instance as Ginmankey has already demonstrated. I used Rohan armour Merry arms and whittled his gloves down so I could make the woolly gloves over them and have a sleeve go over the base of them. I also used the legs from the same figure but the boots from Orc armour Frodo as they work well when the Heels on the Eowyn boots are added. I used Pippins head a selfie I saw potential in it. I swapped his nose with a Gimli one and then sculpted the bridge, eyebrows, mini stache, beard, hair and stuck on the braids from the Gimli's beard carefully removed. Also I used fodder ears. I sculpted buttons and used the same Frodo belt but of course did the buckle. The dagger was made from scratch and has the dwarvish F shaped rune on the top. I made a book of Marzabul out of an Evil Dead Ash figures Necranomicon. I sculpted the khuzdul words onto the front and inside I inscribed: "they are comming" for when Gandalf finds it in Moria. This book is my own take in design though I'd like to do the actual one when I get a chance. The sling shot is just an arrow cut in half then bent and both pieces whittled then rejoined and a bit of fodder rubber plastic for the sling. He was a lot of fun to make and I don't think the pictures do it justice as I feel he regally looks like Adam Brown in person. Anyways here's the usual pics with Jerry the Barrel, but you'll have to wait for the usual company shot as I have somethings in the work.

Nori Ori Dori
Jerry the barrel
They are comming
User Comments
Motherelf -
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
If you could take these figures and get them scanned by a 3D printer, could you not sell those files? To have them sort of mass produced? I would buy a 3D printed version of these, they are amazing.
Deaditor -
Sunday, July 7, 2024
It’s not a bad idea I’m probably more sound than having to make the move from scratch again etc but I don’t currently have access to any of that. I am currently working on a commission for someone to remake all of them so far. I’ve made Dwalin and Ballin check out my TikTok under the same name for details.
Bastila -
Saturday, November 4, 2017
I came to upload my Ori, thinking I beat you to him, but alas!! You work fast. This is great, it makes me rethink some of the choices I did for mine ha ha. Oin and then you are done right?
Deaditor -
Sunday, November 5, 2017
I don't know about fast haha they take a week each probably, but my productivity has increased compared to when I started. I've finished Oin as a figure as well as his staff and trumpet, but I need to sew his cloak and finish his dagger. I said a while ago I've been doubling up as previously I just did one at a time but this works better so I did Dori and Gloin together and Nori Ori and Oin in the same time span. I'm taking my time with each of them some parts just take a while to get done especially accessories and weapons or choosing ideal heads or parts. I'm updating my Balin and Kili as there's things I'd like to add to my earliest Dwarves.
Deaditor -
Sunday, November 5, 2017
What's also funny is that we keep adding them in pairs xD like I posted Gloin then Grinmankey posted his then he posted Nori and I posted mine now I've posted Ori and you've posted yours so on the hobbit page it's like 2 2 2 xD. That means Grinmankey has to post Oin next or both of you have to post Bofur haha. I submitted my Oin.
Edgy 3 -
Saturday, November 4, 2017
they just get better and better!!!! Love it!!!
Deaditor -
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Haha Idk about better, consistent maybe but thanks!
JuanDiego Customs -
Friday, November 3, 2017
Excellent job.
Deaditor -
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Red Wolf Kustoms -
Friday, November 3, 2017
Your Magnum Opus is almost complete! Awesome custom of Ori! Love the slingshot and the Book of Marzabul along with my favorite Barrel...Jerry! That funny scene with Ori "I'n not afraid! I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of dwarfish iron right up his jacksie."!
Deaditor -
Friday, November 3, 2017
Hahha then Dori tells him to sit down xD
Grinmankey -
Friday, November 3, 2017
Yeah!! You did an amazing job! I love the likeness you got from the Pippin head. Great work on all the accessories and sculpting, etc. Nice job on the book of Mazarbul, too! Everything works really well to create a really great overall Ori!
Deaditor -
Friday, November 3, 2017
There really isn't a better body to use, or rather the Gimli body we both utilised is already decently proportioned and with some minor tweaking you get the result. Haha I love the book. I wanted to do the one specifically from the film but I'd rather have another go at it from scratch and print off the pages in mini form in a high detailed book, but for now the one I did is fine and still looks good. I purposefully left the interior a little beaten up so it looks travelled, I'm mainly fond of the cover, it's hard to tell but the sachel bag he has is what carries the book (so he can store all his accessories)
Staley -
Friday, November 3, 2017
Congrats, Deaditor ! Your Ori is teriffic ! Really good choice of the base-head and super sculpting of it. Great likeness ! Everything else is spot on, too ! Clever, to use Orc-Frodo's lower legs !
Did you invent a method, to clone coronation gimlis, or what ?

Great work !
Deaditor -
Friday, November 3, 2017
Some I got cheaply others I got in bulk buys where I made money back selling doubles and then some were more money xD I think I've used 4 or 5 lol. In my area in the UK we don't have any cheap options as most things are available in the USA bar the few exclusives we get here, but all my local cheap stores that sold used figures closed so I mainly got the figures through luck.
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MephistoSubmission OrderGambit Marvel Legends
Dol Guldur - Catapult TrollHobbit SeriesOri
Nori the DwarfCreated by DeaditorOin the Dwarf
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