Master Splinter Mirage Style (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:93265
Name:Master Splinter Mirage Style
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Date Added:December 6, 2017
Base Figure:2004 Animated Splinter / NECA Turtle / TNA Wrestler / LOTR Gandalf/ NBA Heroes
Height:4.00 inches
Pretty much a redo of the B/W Splinter shown here before (this is my 5th now)
(Copied describtion)
Basebody was made using the head, torso and feet from 2004 Animated movie Splinter. waist and thighs were from a bootleg NECA turtle. Elbows, knees and neck from NBA Hero. sleeves and skirt from LOTR Gandalf figure. Fingers from wrestling figure. . All were chopped and sanded until the desired proportions. Then sculpted fur on top with Aves and green stuff. Head was shaved totally down and resculpted. Tunic was resculpted. When the parts were done, figure was taken apart and very single piece was molded with Smooth On Oomoo and cast using different materials from Smooth on. Softer silicone was used for the tunic, sleeves and skirt, given them an material feel.
Gave the sculpt a black wash and drybrush, added the black line art last and sealed with dullcoat.
Sculpted a walking cane and molded the TCRI canister from the NECA set and cracked it. Had it sit in black silicone for Ooze effect. Molded and casted original NECA Dio piece with modification to complete the look. Also modified a large toy rat, and shaved it don to fit.

If you are curious about more of the process or want to own one of these, you can check out my fbpage @customsmonsterhjerne

EDIT 01/24-18 - Updated with custom clamshell packaging :-D

Custom Splinter
Customs by Monsterhjerne Mirage Splinter
Custom Splinter
Customs by Monsterhjerne Mirage Splinter
Custom Splinter
Custom Splinter
Customs by Monsterhjerne Mirage Splinter
User Comments
TechnoCosmicResearch -
Friday, August 3, 2018
Incredible work, are you still in the market of selling splinter customs?
Monsterhjerne -
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Thanks a lot. There will be a few more coming soon. Working on around 4 right now. Should start painting next week
samberto -
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Beautiful outcome, gotta check your casting process man cause that figure is just impressive.
Monsterhjerne -
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Thanks, be sure to do that - I started this project in January, so just scroll on back :-D
Balakin -
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Love it! Your process is mental (in a good way obviously) and the end result speaks for itself. Love the cartoony paintjob too.
Monsterhjerne -
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Thanks a lot man! I do try to go all in, and trust me this allmost got the best of me. Still in the process of getting some of the cost back and the next couple of projects have got to be eeeeasy lol.
Chris2 -
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Outstanding work.
bjpalm1994 -
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Wow!! Awesome!!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Custom on eBay
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