MvC Wolverine (Marvel vs Capcom) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:9390
Name:MvC Wolverine
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel vs Capcom
Date Added:August 21, 2008
Base Figure:Legendary Rider Series Logan
Height:5.50 inches
Also for my ongrowing roaster.I had to use rider series logan since I can't find brown wolverine n don' wanna destroy my AoA WeaponX,n' this fella sell cheap in the flea market.I had to shave off the pant's details n his head to give way to the mask.This is another sculpting works that I enjoyed...

User Comments
highskull -
Friday, August 22, 2008
Again; great sculpt, man! And thanks for the info.
IMaxJ -
Thursday, August 21, 2008
It's called bondite epoxy putty.I usually bought it a nearby hardware store (it's actually a wall filler/sealant, but I think they should add another function in the label:for figure sculpting,hihihihi)...
Redmist -
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Word up!
Unknown User -
Thursday, August 21, 2008
that has to be the most work I've ever seen put into a Wolverine.I've gotta tell you man this is a phenomonal custom.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Really nice figure. I like how it incorporates the 90's cartoon, in a modern day figure setting.
What kind of sculpt did you use and where can it be found. I have limited resources where I live and any help would be appreciated.
Greg8624 -
Thursday, August 21, 2008
you have a mastery of sculpting muscle
most impressive
The Reaper88 -
Thursday, August 21, 2008
1 0f the best wolverine ever great job 10 of 10
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