Batman (Aparo Style) (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:95938
Name:Batman (Aparo Style)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:May 25, 2018
Base Figure:Multiverse Super Friends Batman
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:1.00 hours
Greetings Batfans. This is a reworking of a previous figure I posted. Super Friends Batman has the ideal colors I want in my Batman head canon, but the stock cape does nothing good for the figure. I finally perfected my technique for doing cloth capes and made my best one yet. My favorite Batman artist is Jim Aparo and I noticed something about the way he draws him. The utility belt has a plain belt buckle and the cowl is only shaded around the eyes. I replicated this look the best I could. Now the Batman of the modern age is complete.

User Comments
customapprentice -
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Aparo is one of my favorites as well,you did an amazing job!
jeremyj1984 -
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Great work! Any chance of you making a Cape tutorial or I could commission you maybe?
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