God Emperor Trump (Political) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:96825
Name:God Emperor Trump
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Political
Creator:Jin Saotome  
Date Added:July 16, 2018
Base Figure:NECA Tyreal
Height:6.50 inches
"Since the dystopian days of 2017 one man clad in golden armor wields a mighty sword against those who would do our nation harm. He puts America First and stands like a mighty wall between all those who would invade and plunder its riches. Relentlessly attacked by enemies foreign and domestic, Emperor Donald Trump quashes the globalist forces by laying down law and order throughout the land. With the power of the American voice flowing through his veins and the whispers of Conservative values in his ears Emperor Trump battles the Anti-First Amendment Mutants that plague the land. The choice was made to Make America Great Again and with his supporters rallying to defeat the Anti-FA, mighty Emperor brought about change and prosperity to the USA, ALL HAIL EMPEROR TRUMP!"

Ok, maybe Donald Trump doesn't go around wearing power armor and smiting enemies with a giant sword but the 'God Emperor Trump' meme was pretty cool, superimposing Trump's head on the Warhammer 40K character. You may have seen it on facebook and image boards, and I decided to create a 6" Marvel Legends scale figure of him. I used a NECA Heroes of the Storm Tyrael body, cast Donald Trump head by Mos Eisley Castings, DCD Aquaman hands, Digimon armor, and different fodder parts including metal eagles/wing symbols to create him. His standard was made using a Marvel Select Doctor Doom throne banner, Namor trident, and American flag ribbon. A very extensive weathered gold metallic paint job was airbrushed on to complete his glorious look. Love him or hate him if you're an American citizen then Donald Trump is (was) your president!

User Comments
Witchchylde -
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Great job as always, Jin. But what a waste of a good Tyreal figure 😂
Edgy 3 -
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Friggin AWESOME !!!!!!
jeremyj1984 -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Awesome job mam
Big Kid -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Lol! Great work as always!
vonrhine -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Love it! great work!
yellowmartian -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Oh man I wish I had billions of dollars like President Trump so I could afford to buy this!!!
Ivory Towers -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Beautiful! Purge the heretics!
Redmist -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
You're a nut, Jin! Keep it up & you'll be a guest on Steven Colbert's show!
Floydscruffy -
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
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Helletubbie "Leech"Submission OrderAnti-FA Mutant
Space Force TrumpPolitical SeriesAnti-FA Mutant
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