Displaying the latest comments posted by [1MIND]Tear777.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The big foot looking guy I don't recognize at all. The army guy, may seem vaugly familiar. For some reason im inclined to think he once had a working parachuete. If I find anything out, ill post a reply.
I would ponder that maybe they made the block figure to kinda apeal to both action figure collectors, and the lego enthusiest. I do not care for them personally.
I concure.
Saturday, April 2, 2005
I know it takes a lot of work. I have experienced similer jobs when I ran 2 different gaming societies. One I ran for around 2 years, and the other for about 4 and a half. I know pretty much what to expect out of this. But, I know what you mean, I have said the same thing to other gamers who started their own clans, and, they were surprised at how much time and work it realy is. I see you moved my post, no prob. I have also made an IRC channel for Blue Lotus. server : dalnet channel : #bluelotus . I am working on a way to add the irc channel to the website. Anyway, as I said, the site won't be full operational until about June.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
I know, his name is Zelnorm, from the planet Zanax?
Friday, March 11, 2005
Ya, I concure. I am now 26. And, I feel the same way you do. I wonder sometimes if collecting action figures is imature. It realy is not. People that have barbies fromt he 60's arnt thought imature, why should we. I have played drums for 11 years now, and I havnt had a girlfriend in like 3 years, I used to get all womens. But, I stopped dating all the time. Im waiting for the right girl now. Action figures take up my "build my girlfriends self asteem time", unfortunately, you know how much fun it is convincing your girlfriends, that they realy are pretty, and realy not fat. But, like oldboy said, as long as your action figure hobby does not interfear with responcibilities too much, than theres not a damn thing wrong with it. In fact, its a lot cheaper then a girl, and its safe sex [smilie ...
Wednesday, March 9, 2005
I realy want the new astromech droid. I forget its name R4-xx something? Anyhoo, thats some pretty spiffy packaging their using a?
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Aome of my first action figures did include MOTU, and Thundercats, but I did not have the love for them like I did for Joes and Star Wars. I will take some pictures for you guys. My best qualities include organization of communities, such as this one. I think I would have the most fun doing something with the website, or at least being an advisor for the site. But, like I said, I am willing to do whatever needs to be done. If I end up becoming attached to this community, you will find my loyalty and servitude unmatched. As far as pictures go, I think it would be cool if the pictures I took had a little credit at the bottom, like, " From the collection of Tear777." Because, all of the pictures I would provide, would be from my personal collection or from my selling stock. I won't be giving ...
Whenever I want to do a custom figure, which is rarely, I always wait until I get the figure I want to work on cheap, and not in good condition. Your figure seems to be rare from what you said in your post. This is not my area of expertise, but, my oppinion is, No I do not think you should deface this cool figure to make a custom. I mean, 1. do you like this figure?(obviously you do. 2. Can you replace it easily?(so far you havnt even seen another, let alone have the option of buying another) 3. Will it be easyer for you ro find another action figure to make your custom then it will be to replace the one you have?(yes, customs have more freedom to start from many more different things, your wasp figure will not be a wasp figure the minute it changes in any way).