Displaying the latest comments posted by Quay.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
I'd have to disagree that Venom is what makes Bane. For me what made Bane is that he was basically Batman seen through a much darker mirror. Venom was just his weapon. Batman has Batarangs, Bane had venom. He was much more than the Venom, some of his best moments (for me anyway) were in Secret Six when he wasn't on the Venom anymore. The Venom itself just didn't fit very well into the Nolan universe. A super steroid that hulks people out is just too unrealistic to fit well within the established parameters of the films.
As for his mask I'm on the fence. While I didn't much care for the one in the movie, they really couldn't do the one from the comic. While the Lucha Libre mask is cool in the comics, it just wouldn't work in the movie. Not only would it make people unfamiliar wi ...
Sunday, July 1, 2012
You're best bet is probably to sculpt it. It's not nearly as hard as you'd imagine, it's really just using a single motion over and over again.
This guy has a pretty good tutorial on how to do chainmail:
This girl has a good scale mail tutorial. Starts about 7 minutes in:
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Toss it in a glass of water. After a while the paint will come right off. I suppose it would depend on what kind of paint you used, but in my experience it works will all acrylic paints.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Try Gaussboys.com. I'd recommend square magnets, they will reduce sliding.
Try Gaussboys.com. I'd recommend square magnets, they will reduce sliding.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Fair enough. 1 point of articulation still counts I guess
Is that Gundam articulated? If not it's just a statue
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I used to get people telling me I looked like this dude all the time back in the day. Luckily he's not famous anymore
If you don't know who this dude is then I applaud your taste in music.
Monday, April 30, 2012
CCG Armory has a 2 pack of Little Sisters for 13 or so.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Sure, what are looking for? Also, does anyone have any suggestions for making a Terminator into an EXTREMELY poseable skeleton? I've always wanted one...
Not really looking for anything. Assuming I can find them, you can have them if you cover postage. I'll PM you after I confirm that I have them.
Awesome, I'll just get me some of that stuff. Thanks man!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Until they get some writers that can handle him he is definitely better off dead. All in all Superman has to be the hardest character to write. I mean what can you really do with the character that hasn't already been done numerous times before.
You looking for the originals, or would casts due? If you're okay with casts I know a guy on Ebay that sells them from time to time and is usually okay will making things on demand.
I'm pretty sure I've still got the wings from one of them. If you think they'll work for you we can work something out.
WOW! You're work is fantastic! If you're not sculpting miniatures for table top games for a living, then you bloody well should be.
I fully agree. If you haven't seen the Youtube video "The death and return of Superman" you should watch it, you'd prolly dig it. The beginning pretty much sum up why Superman isn't a very good character anymore.
If you compare Superheros to beverages then Superman would be water. He's not that interesting and he's been around forever. That's not to say he's bad, he's just the most basic archetype of a superhero that there is.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
What kind of wings are you talking about? Feather, leather, faerie or bug?
They've made life size action figures. I'd post a pic but I got a mad case of newbness so I'm not allowed.
A GI Joe "Air Assault Glider" might work for the wings. Granted its been awhile since I've look closely at a Mach IV, but its what comes to mind. I'm not allowed to post links yet, but if you look on the Yojoe website it's filed under 2009.
I used Krylon "Premium Original Chrome". It has worked well for me so far, except for when I try to seal it.
What exactly is chrome powder? Is that like a casting powder or something?
Smooth Cast 45D is what your looking for.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Did you try just regular craft paint sealer? It makes it look extra shiny, but other than that it looks the same.
I did indeed. It gave it an extra shiny finish, but still muted the color of the chrome. Everything I use seems to turn the chrome into a dull silver. I'm starting to think the physics of the chrome paint prevent any sort of sealer from being used.
Monday, April 23, 2012
I see now, thank you.Sunday, April 22, 2012
Not to defend anyone but DMC is supposed to open his site back up and is assuming at that time he will have more free time to devote to filling casting orders. I personally never had a problem with shipping time before his second baby! It can be quite hectic, I know. If he's waiting for free time, in my experience it may be a year or more.
That makes sense then, didn't realize he had young'ens.
Not to defend anyone but DMC is supposed to open his site back up and is assuming at that time he will have more free time to devote to filling casting orders. I personally never had a problem with shipping time before his second baby! It can be quite hectic, I know. If he's waiting for free time, in my experience it may be a year or more.
That makes sense then, didn't realize he had young'ens.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Are you suppose to submit specific characters for your 10 ideas, or can they be more like conceptual ideas where whoever's doing them can pick the specific character?
"It is later revealed that the Human Torch was revived by a species of insect-like creatures that were implanted in his body by Annihilus in an attempt to force Storm to help open the Negative Zone portal. However, although Storm refused, Annihilus gained a means of access when an alternate dimension Reed Richards opened the portal for him, forcing Storm to escape and lead a resistance against Annihilus with the aid of his fellow prisoners. Upon the Negative Zone portal opening, the Human Torch meets Spider-Man on the other side wearing the costume of the Future Foundation, promptly asking the webslinger what he is wearing.[36] Reed determines that Johnny has been on the other side of the portal for two years from his perspective. Johnny aids his friends by summoning the Annihilation Wave ...
If he is having trouble keeping up with orders now why would he want to have a larger catalog? Seems like it would just make things worse for himself.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Depending on the type of helmets you're looking for the Blood Wolves line of figures could work. I noticed a lot of them have helmets.